
Add 2 numbers

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(print (+ 2016 33))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly “2049”.

Subtract a number from the other

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(print (- 2049 33))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly “2016”.

Divide a number by the other

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(print (/ 84 2))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly “42”.

Use a negative number literal

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(print (- 2007 -42))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly “2049”.