Import statement

Import a module

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(import "./mod")
(seq! ..( print [1 2 3 4 5]))

And a file named “mod.cloe” with:

(def (map func list)
  (match list
    [] []
    [first] [(func first) ..(map func rest)]))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly:


Import a module in a directory

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(import "./modules/mod")
(mod.hello "world")

And a file named “modules/mod.cloe” with:

(def (hello name) (print (merge "Hello, " name "!")))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly “Hello, world!”.

Import nested modules

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(import "./foo/bar")


And a directory named “foo”

And a file named “foo/bar.cloe” with:

(import "./baz")

(let hello baz.hello)

And a file named “foo/baz.cloe” with:

(def (hello) (print "Hello, world!"))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly “Hello, world!”.

Import a directory as a module

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(import "./foo")


And a file named “foo/module.cloe” with:

(def (hello) (print "Hello, world!"))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly “Hello, world!”.

Import a module with an alternative prefix

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(import bar "./foo")


And a file named “foo.cloe” with:

(def (hello) (print "Hello, world!"))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly “Hello, world!”.

Import a module and expand members inside

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(import . "./foo")


And a file named “foo.cloe” with:

(def (hello) (print "Hello, world!"))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain exactly “Hello, world!”.

Import a module with invalid path

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(import "mod")

And a file named “mod.cloe” with:

When I run cloe main.cloe

Then the exit status should not be 0.

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(import "./mod1")
(import "./mod2")

  (print mod1.stdin . end "")
  (print mod2.stdin . end ""))

And a file named “mod1.cloe” with:

(import "./mod2")

(let stdin mod2.stdin)

And a file named “mod2.cloe” with:

(let stdin (read))

When I successfully run sh -c 'echo Hello | cloe main.cloe'

Then the stdout should contain exactly:


Import a module via language path

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(import "foo")


And a directory named “cloe-modules”

And a file named “.cloe/src/foo.cloe” with:

(def (hello)
  (print "Hello, world!"))

And a file named “” with:

CLOE_PATH=$PWD/.cloe cloe main.cloe

When I successfully run sh

Then the stdout should contain exactly “Hello, world!”.