
Run an erroneous code

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(print (+ 1 true))

When I run cloe main.cloe

Then the exit status should not be 0

And the stdout should contain exactly “”

And the stderr should contain “Error”

And the stderr should contain “main.cloe”

And the stderr should contain “(print (+ 1 true))”.

Bind 2 values to an argument

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(def (f x)
     (def (g y)
          (def (h z) (+ x y z))

(print (((f 123) 456) . x 0))

When I run cloe main.cloe

Then the exit status should not be 0

And the stdout should contain exactly “”

And the stderr should contain “Error”.

Catch an error

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(print (catch (+ 1 true)))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain “name”

And the stdout should contain “message”.

Catch an error passed by match expression

Given a file named “main.cloe” with:

(print (@ (catch (match (error "FooError" "") x (error "BarError" ""))) "name"))

When I successfully run cloe main.cloe

Then the stdout should contain “FooError”.