Data types
- Use number literals
- Use string literals
- Expand dictionaries into a dictionary
- Use a newline character in a string
Use number literals
Given a file named “main.cloe” with:
(let x 123)
(let x -456)
(let x 123.456)
(let x -456.789)
(let x 0xDEADBEEF)
(let x 01234567)
Then I successfully run cloe main.cloe
Use string literals
Given a file named “main.cloe” with:
(let x "foo")
(let x "Hello, world!")
(let x "My name is Bob.\nYour name is not Bob.")
(let x "Job:\tProgrammer?")
Then I successfully run cloe main.cloe
Expand dictionaries into a dictionary
Given a file named “main.cloe” with:
(print (@ {"foo" 123 ..{"bar" 456} ..{42 2049} ..{nil true true false}} 42))
When I successfully run cloe main.cloe
Then the stdout should contain exactly “2049”.
Use a newline character in a string
Given a file named “main.cloe” with:
(print "Hello,\nworld!")
When I successfully run cloe main.cloe
Then the stdout should contain exactly: