clutil command
- Install modules in a repository
- Update repositories in a language directory
- Clean up a language directory
Install modules in a repository
When I run the following commands:
CLOE_PATH=$PWD/.cloe clutil install
Then I run the following commands:
PATH=$PWD/.cloe/bin:$PATH hello
And the exit status should be 0
And the output should contain “Hello, world!”.
Update repositories in a language directory
Given I run the following commands:
CLOE_PATH=$PWD/.cloe clutil install
When I run the following commands:
CLOE_PATH=$PWD/.cloe clutil update
And the exit status should be 0.
Clean up a language directory
Given I run the following commands:
CLOE_PATH=$PWD/.cloe clutil install
And I run the following commands:
ls $PWD/.cloe
And the exit status should be 0
When I run the following commands:
CLOE_PATH=$PWD/.cloe clutil clean
Then I run the following commands:
ls $PWD/.cloe/src
And the exit status should not be 0
And I run the following commands:
ls $PWD/.cloe/bin
And the exit status should not be 0.